StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-04-01 to Sunday 2024-04-07, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-04-01
(click to change weeks)
(14,770 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-04-14 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 160 2,286 4,808 $88,494 256,856 938
FPO 73 249 551 $10,047 36,984 848
MP40 91 569 1,210 $26,454 75,419 922
MP50 42 215 470 $13,474 30,105 915
FP40 13 25 51 $1,473 3,546 843
FP50 6 6 13 $380 1,031 725
MP55 2 10 28 $1,805 1,824 916
MP60 19 50 128 $4,524 8,384 898
FP60 2 2 5 $96 373 787
MP70 6 12 26 $883 1,726 827
MA1 167 2,898 5,505 $0 297,987 916
FA1 66 251 570 $0 31,102 801
MA2 161 2,408 4,759 $0 282,416 889
FA2 51 159 279 $0 20,027 771
MA3 168 2,780 5,339 $0 323,273 851
FA3 63 153 307 $0 19,519 718

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 4 150 253 $919 15,825 4
Alaska 2 47 225 $0 0 7
Alberta 1 52 104 $178 7,173 2
Arizona 4 290 656 $3,128 21,606 17
Arkansas 1 246 731 $19,248 46,713 100
British Columbia 2 138 273 $0 20,683 8
California 4 489 1,432 $0 53,712 17
Colorado 2 223 305 $1,315 22,054 6
Connecticut 1 76 145 $0 9,773 0
Delaware 2 75 153 $900 9,298 2
Florida 12 835 1,546 $960 91,870 14
Georgia 7 469 933 $5,857 59,543 28
Illinois 9 917 1,584 $6,711 95,534 19
Indiana 1 84 168 $0 12,224 3
Iowa 6 387 634 $4,128 38,979 18
Kansas 5 310 808 $5,942 36,350 31
Kentucky 6 290 447 $3,833 27,756 19
Louisiana 2 100 251 $751 7,423 1
Maryland 1 90 91 $0 5,732 3
Massachusetts 1 71 144 $912 9,462 9
Michigan 8 635 1,264 $4,612 72,316 24
Minnesota 4 332 596 $4,655 38,564 14
Mississippi 1 77 155 $328 9,448 2
Missouri 3 206 305 $2,273 18,961 5
Montana 2 97 169 $2,130 9,771 2
Nebraska 2 200 374 $128 24,658 7
New Hampshire 1 0 0 $0 0 0
New Jersey 2 59 119 $0 7,691 3
New Mexico 1 71 133 $0 9,270 0
New York 5 378 573 $939 37,679 3
North Carolina 9 653 821 $2,109 48,220 17
Nova Scotia 1 30 120 $1,115 7,730 1
Ohio 4 376 743 $2,607 49,450 9
Oklahoma 4 248 566 $6,100 38,329 17
Ontario 1 25 67 $0 0 1
Oregon 4 355 708 $1,890 47,258 24
Pennsylvania 7 673 1,576 $12,762 106,282 52
South Carolina 13 1,144 1,779 $2,904 98,080 36
South Dakota 2 92 141 $97 9,002 0
Tennessee 5 341 409 $1,189 24,389 3
Texas 15 1,030 2,457 $29,565 161,441 52
Utah 1 151 149 $1,260 9,472 1
Virginia 8 370 695 $3,141 43,293 7
Washington 5 253 479 $1,610 19,843 8
West Virginia 1 63 63 $0 4,117 0
Wisconsin 2 167 334 $2,865 19,595 14

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 58 117 $508 7,259 0
Austria 1 68 135 $0 8,152 5
Canada 5 245 564 $1,293 35,586 12
China 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Croatia 1 41 126 $0 7,511 2
Czech Republic 1 39 80 $0 4,763 0
Denmark 1 90 268 $2,271 18,774 10
Estonia 1 83 166 $0 9,774 5
Finland 3 136 272 $11 15,174 3
France 2 61 126 $0 9,238 1
Germany 4 209 586 $944 37,726 24
Japan 1 29 120 $0 6,305 0
Lithuania 1 176 525 $3,254 36,769 11
Netherlands 3 174 406 $0 25,414 3
New Zealand 2 113 425 $1,233 16,646 6
Norway 5 311 554 $398 37,870 2
Poland 1 70 212 $0 14,535 0
Serbia 1 27 129 $0 0 0
Spain 1 22 23 $0 1,402 0
Sweden 7 624 1,061 $0 68,030 2
Switzerland 3 86 173 $0 10,144 6
Ukraine 1 12 26 $0 1,655 0
United Kingdom 1 78 154 $0 10,522 0
United States 179 13,120 25,114 $137,768 1,470,983 598