StatMando Monday

From Monday 2021-07-05 to Sunday 2021-07-11, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2021-07-05
(click to change weeks)
(11,088 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:11 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 102 2,101 5,025 $162,528 311,931 939
FPO 47 198 481 $23,294 33,768 851
MP40 58 602 1,441 $32,086 89,865 916
MP50 37 291 675 $12,276 43,814 906
FP40 12 28 70 $1,563 5,377 781
FP50 3 3 8 $143 502 855
MP55 2 16 41 $2,200 2,554 922
FP55 2 3 9 $200 630 779
MP60 13 57 121 $2,914 8,182 868
FP60 1 2 4 $135 274 774
MP70 3 5 9 $244 495 814
FP70 1 2 4 $216 338 542
MA1 109 1,462 3,063 $0 187,900 914
FA1 46 147 338 $0 22,999 806
MA2 106 2,241 4,600 $0 288,770 879
FA2 50 174 383 $0 28,049 762
MA3 100 2,000 3,942 $0 254,115 844
FA3 48 149 312 $0 23,415 692

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 52 101 $0 6,559 1
Alberta 2 75 198 $668 12,576 3
Arizona 1 175 520 $0 30,285 3
Arkansas 1 70 70 $308 5,805 2
California 3 232 460 $0 28,221 23
Colorado 4 290 453 $4,989 29,353 13
Delaware 2 97 337 $1,661 20,748 16
Florida 1 54 161 $440 9,451 4
Georgia 1 117 345 $3,235 21,070 10
Illinois 4 326 626 $5,999 37,971 10
Indiana 3 201 387 $120 28,075 10
Iowa 3 513 1,226 $71,451 75,179 178
Kansas 3 386 1,664 $1,181 101,921 39
Kentucky 2 159 213 $120 13,820 0
Louisiana 2 137 362 $3,437 20,557 7
Maine 1 163 477 $8,880 29,387 21
Manitoba 1 61 36 $564 8,405 1
Massachusetts 2 122 243 $0 15,131 2
Michigan 7 550 1,312 $21,570 77,382 58
Minnesota 2 223 312 $1,518 18,609 1
Mississippi 1 76 125 $0 6,938 0
Missouri 4 282 549 $3,808 33,223 9
Montana 1 76 150 $3,090 8,605 7
Nebraska 3 138 258 $3,933 17,522 3
Nevada 1 73 211 $2,436 14,877 8
New Hampshire 2 87 199 $450 11,899 2
New Jersey 2 92 143 $131 9,469 1
New York 6 345 752 $1,465 44,188 3
North Carolina 5 339 748 $2,427 45,622 22
Ohio 6 601 862 $4,673 60,049 9
Ontario 2 160 463 $3,666 32,653 5
Oregon 3 184 338 $1,210 22,763 7
Pennsylvania 3 232 460 $1,563 30,495 4
Prince Edward Island 3 203 481 $5,022 34,074 3
South Carolina 2 114 224 $1,030 14,410 14
South Dakota 1 87 128 $1,134 7,622 4
Tennessee 3 283 563 $4,227 34,569 10
Texas 6 520 979 $6,415 59,985 26
Utah 1 270 802 $5,761 45,429 9
Virginia 3 167 300 $1,717 21,474 14
Washington 2 141 359 $1,505 23,773 0
West Virginia 1 49 98 $0 6,497 0
Wisconsin 3 226 585 $25,424 39,161 55
Wyoming 1 66 129 $982 8,872 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 33 65 $230 4,268 0
Canada 8 499 1,178 $9,920 87,708 12
Czech Republic 2 161 480 $1,288 31,737 9
Estonia 4 285 512 $1,600 31,973 11
Finland 10 1,000 2,297 $9,182 145,295 35
Germany 1 109 318 $987 23,146 23
Hungary 1 46 135 $0 10,056 8
Latvia 1 58 174 $0 13,045 3
Lithuania 1 70 139 $661 9,678 2
Netherlands 1 21 42 $0 2,042 0
Norway 3 219 669 $12,104 46,635 27
Spain 1 39 115 $0 7,384 0
Sweden 10 670 1,336 $1,012 85,531 12
Switzerland 1 111 220 $2,525 13,290 7
United States 103 8,315 18,231 $198,290 1,136,966 605