StatMando Monday

From Monday 2020-03-02 to Sunday 2020-03-08, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2020-03-02
(click to change weeks)
(4,200 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:04 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 48 685 1,535 $39,179 88,422 954
FPO 21 67 168 $3,646 11,073 842
MP40 33 268 652 $15,780 38,311 926
MP50 13 62 148 $2,393 7,767 900
FP40 2 4 6 $82 420 830
MP55 1 3 5 $60 276 930
MP60 8 22 50 $965 3,226 888
FP60 1 1 1 $57 69 870
MP70 1 1 3 $0 139 785
MA1 44 858 1,747 $0 111,707 912
FA1 26 74 158 $0 11,313 799
MA2 44 779 1,624 $0 102,492 886
FA2 23 56 123 $0 9,099 750
MA3 45 787 1,625 $0 109,856 842
FA3 21 61 129 $0 10,262 684

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 90 180 $2,913 13,671 14
British Columbia 1 49 95 $866 5,815 3
California 4 282 657 $7,877 44,873 37
Colorado 2 187 466 $2,963 30,388 16
Florida 2 279 549 $525 38,883 5
Georgia 1 76 152 $980 9,192 2
Idaho 1 64 123 $1,205 7,590 5
Indiana 1 83 163 $235 8,881 3
Kansas 4 291 577 $3,306 38,619 20
Kentucky 1 110 218 $400 16,587 5
Michigan 3 220 434 $2,836 26,952 10
Missouri 2 146 234 $1,130 13,756 6
Nebraska 1 68 136 $668 8,448 3
New Mexico 2 109 280 $3,680 18,243 13
North Carolina 2 137 405 $1,341 22,926 10
Ohio 1 136 272 $700 16,847 3
Oklahoma 3 194 295 $1,500 18,406 15
Oregon 1 65 129 $0 7,275 0
South Carolina 2 212 501 $2,765 31,927 27
Tennessee 1 83 162 $927 9,937 4
Texas 10 840 1,789 $17,756 113,586 99
Virginia 1 65 130 $460 7,831 1
Washington 1 91 180 $2,060 11,719 6

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 1 49 95 $866 5,815 3
Croatia 1 28 56 $0 3,322 0
Finland 3 132 220 $0 13,924 2
Germany 2 83 249 $0 9,975 13
Netherlands 1 20 40 $0 2,615 0
Spain 2 208 619 $4,849 40,528 20
Sweden 1 43 82 $220 5,044 0
United Kingdom 1 17 33 $0 2,002 0
United States 47 3,828 8,032 $56,227 516,537 304