StatMando Monday

From Monday 2021-09-13 to Sunday 2021-09-19, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2021-09-13
(click to change weeks)
(11,272 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:12 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 123 2,195 5,068 $219,469 313,800 948
FPO 67 226 532 $44,279 37,969 854
MP40 72 650 1,579 $50,750 100,751 923
MP50 57 318 759 $23,880 49,873 909
FP40 11 23 55 $1,546 3,900 811
FP50 3 5 11 $172 1,073 739
MP55 2 4 12 $488 750 916
MP60 20 68 157 $4,610 11,094 873
MP65 4 9 19 $443 1,418 888
MP70 3 4 12 $225 752 779
FP70 1 2 6 $247 602 514
MA1 115 1,630 3,645 $0 233,814 915
FA1 48 151 370 $0 27,131 797
MA2 115 2,018 4,339 $0 272,950 884
FA2 57 147 349 $0 26,783 751
MA3 111 1,925 3,842 $0 243,162 847
FA3 46 113 226 $0 17,740 696

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 72 143 $296 5,718 2
Alaska 1 39 117 $745 7,493 4
Alberta 1 69 205 $0 18,286 3
Arkansas 1 69 206 $3,484 12,782 5
British Columbia 1 143 422 $5,030 26,633 12
California 7 594 1,348 $22,187 96,352 41
Colorado 6 314 691 $8,222 43,441 27
Connecticut 1 137 409 $10,472 27,629 17
Florida 1 177 175 $40 7,633 2
Georgia 1 54 158 $1,175 10,449 14
Idaho 1 320 894 $11,487 59,969 27
Illinois 2 171 340 $2,971 20,817 13
Indiana 5 296 588 $6,265 39,802 18
Iowa 3 156 218 $1,371 13,114 2
Kansas 5 165 321 $3,233 19,294 5
Kentucky 2 87 172 $1,688 11,889 0
Louisiana 2 83 178 $2,003 12,044 2
Maine 2 128 249 $2,275 14,155 4
Maryland 3 153 303 $5,908 20,259 9
Massachusetts 2 109 217 $15,658 15,298 24
Michigan 6 256 663 $13,806 38,896 34
Minnesota 2 183 306 $6,504 23,127 17
Mississippi 1 152 423 $9,012 29,894 30
Missouri 4 534 1,329 $19,548 83,890 46
Nebraska 2 89 178 $0 11,517 7
Nevada 2 110 214 $1,728 12,807 5
New Mexico 1 0 0 $0 0 0
New York 2 183 439 $4,461 30,306 9
North Carolina 7 379 928 $3,074 55,983 9
Ohio 5 489 908 $4,502 61,518 14
Oklahoma 1 35 103 $0 6,282 0
Ontario 2 232 743 $9,215 47,798 27
Oregon 3 228 498 $5,737 32,702 38
Pennsylvania 7 495 1,004 $78,417 63,956 53
Prince Edward Island 1 43 85 $718 5,432 0
Quebec 1 85 254 $2,771 16,930 2
Saskatchewan 1 18 54 $735 3,578 0
South Carolina 1 65 129 $170 7,299 2
South Dakota 1 105 207 $3,614 18,995 6
Tennessee 3 215 355 $2,467 21,776 3
Texas 13 819 1,639 $12,944 103,195 28
Utah 2 114 214 $34 13,108 1
Vermont 1 64 128 $1,590 8,368 1
Virginia 7 625 1,531 $22,626 100,754 86
Washington 2 196 390 $3,910 23,429 26
West Virginia 2 94 149 $80 8,502 1
Wisconsin 2 226 446 $4,601 26,406 15

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 13 25 $0 1,727 0
Belgium 1 86 289 $3,711 18,950 20
Canada 7 590 1,763 $18,469 118,657 44
Czech Republic 1 60 177 $243 9,733 7
Denmark 2 122 326 $954 20,713 12
Finland 12 840 1,847 $15,870 124,242 73
Germany 3 95 284 $0 13,945 8
Iceland 1 16 29 $0 2,055 0
Lithuania 1 89 175 $714 12,225 2
Netherlands 1 26 51 $0 2,773 0
Norway 6 333 687 $4,644 43,514 8
Singapore 1 25 68 $0 4,295 0
Sweden 8 683 1,298 $3,007 80,255 19
United Kingdom 1 66 132 $192 8,162 2
United States 123 8,780 18,908 $298,305 1,220,848 647